Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Barnyard Confusion

My cousin, Brad, was mowing a hay field recently when he ran across a turkey nest. He SAYS he didn't run across the turkey (if you know what I mean), but he apparently was confident mama turkey wasn't coming back so he gathered up her still warm eggs and brought them to my dad. For his chickens to sit on. Apparently they will sit on anybody's eggs... More than half of the turkey eggs hatched and this is a what a baby turkey looks like.

This momma is very protective of her babies, though they don't look a thing like her.

If you look towards the top of this shell, you can see a little hole. This turkey has not hatched yet but is going to any time. They peck around the whole circumference of the egg about 3/4 of the way to the top then the top of the shell is pushed away. Voila! Baby turkey.

These are the ones that still haven't hatched. The turkey eggs are the polka dotted ones.

Remember these two abducted/adopted babies? They, with their kidnapper, were moved to the house where they lived in a dog crate. Since they LOVE bugs and have a very limited territory to find them, we would find bugs for them and drop them into the crate from the top. Whenever we come to the crate now, they all three start looking up, waiting for a bug to be dropped in to them.

The two guinea babies that were kidnapped when they were born have been raised by a banty hen. Banties are small body chickens and these guineas are already as big as her. But... they can still sleep under her wings.

So, we have turkeys being raised by a chicken, guineas being raised by a banty (who think bugs fall out of the sky), this calf who thinks she is a lap dog...

And a dog that thinks he is a mountain goat...

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