Monday, March 29, 2010


There is something about daffodils that is exciting and sobering. They are the first visual evidence we have of Spring erupting and winter being on the downward spiral. They lie dormant for an entire winter and with just a little coaxing from the sun they are ready to "do their thang."

Not only do they bloom every year but there are always a few more each year than there was the year before. When hiking in the mountains, you run across patches of daffodils at long gone home sites. Forever evidence of a happy home.

These are from my grandmother's yard. She had a LOT of flower beds. I guess you could say she had a little yard in her flower beds. All of the flower beds have been cleaned up and are no longer there but these are still there. These that she planted with her own hands, in this now barren yard that used to be vibrant with color, is our gentle reminder of her.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our First First Place!

Team Synergy played in a tournament this weekend - our first first place finish! THIS weekend they played like the team we saw hints of last fall. They hit well, played great defense, and most of all had a wonderful time. This team has bonded well and I know Alex looks forward to practices and tournaments because she enjoys spending time with these girls.

Saturday was a beautiful day for playing softball, in fact, there were lots of sunburns on Saturday. Unfortunately, though, on Sunday they were only able to get the 9 a.m. game in before the rain set in. This two day tournament turned into a one day tournament. When we finished pool play we were the number one seed going into tournament play. We played one tournament game on Saturday night, which we won, and were ready to play our second tournament game Sunday morning. We had played 1/2 an inning when the game was called and the tournament was cancelled. Somehow, they used the scores from yesterday (runs scored and possibly runs allowed) to determine that we were the first place team. While we would have liked to have played out the tournament and gotten our win by playing/winning our way through, we are sure this is what the outcome would have been anyway! We are forever and hopelessly optimistic.

Alex getting ready to bat. Batting is the area that she struggles the most, she has been hit too many times and dreads the next hit with a passion. Right now she has a bruise on the inside of her knee that has been swollen and has spread down into her calf. It's almost two weeks old and seems to be in no hurry to leave! While this is the area she struggles the most in, she hit quite nicely this weekend. I can't remember all of her hits but I do remember one double that came at a very nice time. I can't wait to see what she is going to be able to do at the end of the summer - the improvements seem to be coming in leaps and bounds. This team is very well coached and it would be impossible not to improve greatly.

She also pitched in one game this weekend. Luckily, Team Synergy has three pitchers so she is able to play other positions and still get a little mound time. She's been used to being the only pitcher on her team so this is such a luxury to her to be able to play other positions. She struck out 9 of 16 batters on Saturday, allowing only one run.

During a time out by the other team, Kaci, one of the other pitchers, came to the mound to chat with her. We were wondering what they might be saying, maybe, "Why don't you hurry up and get this over with?" Or the usual small talk among these girls, "Hey loser." "No, you're the loser." Whatever it was, they made it look stretegic. And secretive. They need to do like the college players, and hold their gloves over their mouth so no one can read their lips.
Okay, funny story. When they had played their two pool play games, and were playing their first tournament game on Saturday night, (where it had gone from a nice 70 degrees to a fairly chilly 40 something in a matter of minutes), they were goofing around. Alex and Lindsey had found this tree limb and they called it their tree. They stuck it in the ground and hung water bottles and chip bags on it. They decided it would probably be good luck so they took it to the dugout and stuck it in the ground there as well. Right outside the door of the dugout. Everyone was very careful with it, gingerly walking around it. Even the umpires. During the game, after we had scored four runs, the other team scored one or two runs. What was happening? How could this be? Well, we looked over to the dugout and the TREE HAD FALLEN! The girls were on defense so they couldn't stand the tree back up. Since this was a situation that required immediate attention, one of the girls uncle went and stuck the tree branch back into the ground, which immediately stopped the scoring by the other team. So, the tree rightfully was named the "Mojo Tree." The tree was well cared for overnight and was placed in the ground outside the dugout for the first game on Sunday morning. Now, the "Mojo Tree" is in my trunk, awaiting our next tournament.

Here is the team with their 1st place trophy, medals, and the "MOJO TREE."

Gotta give credit where credit is due.
The "Mojo Tree."
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Anthony's Birthday Party

For the kids' birthday's, since they were very young, my mom would have them a special birthday chair for Sunday lunch. It would have streamers and signs. The first sign would greet them at the door as they were coming in. As they got older, she had thought she could quit with the special seat, signs, and decorations but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon. They seem to like them more as they get older. They come in and stop at all of the signs to read them and they dare someone to get their birthday seat.

Along with their decorations, they also have a birthday cake that is decorated especially for them. It stays hidden until it is time to blow out the candles but they are always anxious to see what she has done for them each year. This year, it was somewhat of an "insider" job. Only he and the immediate family knows what the significance of this cake is but you can tell he thinks it quite funny.
The anticipation of him seeing his present is written all over the face of everyone around the table. He was very unsuspecting.
This birthday for Anthony brought as much joy, or more, to everyone else as it did him.
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We Have a New Driver on the Roads - Beware!

On Wednesday, March 10, was Anthony's 15th birthday. There was nothing doing (southern term) but that he take his test on his birth day. His grandparents had gotten him a driver education book for Christmas, he had looked at it some, taken a few online tests, and felt like he was ready to take the test. I tried to prepare him that not everyone passes it the first time and if you don't it's not that big a deal and we can try again later.... I was thinking, what if we go on his birthday and he fails it and that is the memory he will have of his 15th birthday. Forever. He didn't seem to be too nervous but I was one prayin' momma when he went back there to take the test. Apparently, every time you answer a question, it tells you whether you got it right or not. Since you're only able to miss 6 out of the 30 questions, after you miss those 6, you are kicked out of the test to come back later. I think he was sweatin' it. He says he missed five of the first 10 questions, so 20 to go... When he came around the corner, he was grinning. I couldn't really read the grin. Was it an, "I can't believe I failed that test?" or "I can't believe I passed that test?" I asked him if he passed and he said, "I don't know! It said I completed the test but not whether I passed it." He apparently passed it, 'cause the next thing we know she was asking for money. She also told him that if at any time I think he is not driving responsibly I can have his license taken away. I was thinking, "You're darn right I can. I don't need the DMV to tell me I can take his license away..."
The next step was for them to get his signature. He kept asking me the whole time we were there, "Do I have to write my name in cursive?" Oh, dear. "Yes, Anthony, that is what a SIGNATURE is."
Finally, it was time for the picture. She told Anthony to come up there and sit down all the while she was talking the next person in line. She snapped his picture while he wasn't looking and she was still talking. To the other man. I don't think she was even looking. He said, "I wasn't ready!" I guess he's never heard about those driver's license photos. It was a funny picture. He tried to remake that face when we got in the car but he couldn't. He said he'll have to have his thumb over the picture when he shows it to anyone.
Now, for the biggest embarrassment of the morning. Mom had to take a picture! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only mom who took advantage of this big green sign just at the right level for a good picture. I do have some leverage now, "you can't drive if you don't let me take your picture."

We got close to the school and I pulled over to let him drive the rest of the way and he said, "No! I can't drive!" "Anthony, that is what that license is for!" He did it and loved it. Now he wants to drive us everywhere.

By the way, if you want to go to the Blount County Driver Testing Center it doesn't open til 8 on the 2nd Wednesday of the month due to staff meeting. We got there at 6:50 A.M.! Ant ended up being late to school and I was late to work. Had we gone on Thursday morning, I bet the sign on the door would have said they were closed the second Thursday of each month for staff meeting. That's just the way our luck runs!Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Anthony!

We took Anthony to Wasabi for his birthday. It had been a long time since we had taken them to a Japanese Steak House. Since it was a special trip, we let him order a sushi appetizer. Yuck! He ordered the Alaskan roll and loved it. He and Tony ate it so fast, I didn't even get a picture of it before they had eaten some of it. The only positive thing I have to say about sushi is that it is usually very pretty. Oh, and I don't have to eat it.

We had a great chef who was funny and interactive. He threw balls of rice at each of us to try and catch in our mouths. Anthony's ended up around his arm pit the first time and I think he caught it on the second try.
Alex's ended up in her eye.
The chef also made a volcano out of an onion. He stacked up the rings, put some liquids in it - not sure which liquids, and lit it. At first it just burned, then smoke came out of the top of it, then the sauces bubbled up inside like lava. It was waaaayyyy cool.
Since it was his birthday, he presented Anthony's rice to him with a candle in it.
Boy, did we eat too much. We brought enough home with us that Ant ate it for breakfast and Tony and I ate it for lunch.
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary! (I'm a little late - it was 02/28).

After 46 years there is still lots of this....
And this...
And loads of lessons my brother and I have been taught about making it last this long.
Here's to another 46 years!Posted by Picasa