Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two Peas in a Pod

While we were at the beach, Tony and Anthony spent a lot of time together. They even dressed alike!! How embarrassin...No, they didn't plan it. Tony has a shirt that matches this one of Anthony's and he also has one that is the same as one of Alex's. It seems like every time we go somewhere he matches one of the two kids. Maybe Tony needs more shirts or maybe the kids need to go beyond the first layer in their drawer.

I think they are planning and plotting against those poor unsuspecting fish. "We'll buy a crab net, chicken necks, dead, stinky, smelly shrimp, and some squid." (And we'll keep it all in the refrigerator in the camper.) We'll come show these Jojans how to catch some fish.

Have you ever? Are they not looking at me exactly the same? Kinda like I just said something in a foreign language and they don't understand me. This is the look I get when I say something like, "Put your laundry away," or "Take your plate to the sink."

I swear, I don't know two people who act more alike than these two. Every day there are more similarities in their interests, the way they think (Lord help me), and the things they say.
Tony has grown him up a playmate.Posted by Picasa

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