Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Day of School (was last week)...

This is Anthony's first year of high school. How did that happen? Yesterday, this is what he was doing...

Yesterday, I took him to kindergarten. I took pictures of him waking up, riding in the car, walking into school, meeting his teacher, and meeting his friends. After we dropped him off at school Alex and I went to Burger King for breakfast. She played in the outside playground for a little while but it wasn't nearly as fun to play there alone. She repeatedly asked me where Anthony was. It was a little lonely for both of us without him. When I picked him up from school that first day, I asked him how he liked school. He said he liked it fine but, "we didn't learn any stories about Jesus today."

We were prepared for this long haul in the elementary school. Six years? Seemed like a lifetime. Graduating on to middle school seemed like an eternity away. We just settled in. Propped our feet up. Enjoyed the ride. And the next thing we knew... we were registering for middle school. What?

Middle school was an even quicker version of elementary school and two shakes later - we were finished with that, too.

I know that in no time at all he will also be finished with high school. I want to stop/capture/remember every moment to make sure I am fully appreciating the time we have been blessed with. I would love for him to stay with us forever but our job is to prepare him to do just the opposite. While our hearts are hanging on as tightly as they can, we are charged with preparing him to leave so that he can enjoy what we know to be a wonderful journey.

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