Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter (a week late)

What a beautiful day we had on Easter this year. It was sunny and warm and we got to spend time with both our families. 
Every year the kids have a scavenger hunt to find their Easter baskets. Of course it is a competition because EVERYTHING IS A COMPETITION and as usual the girls come out the winner. They are sent all over the yard looking for their clues, which are hidden in color coded plastic eggs. 

They are sent to the shed.
and looking around the trees...
and Holly won!!
When Anthony was looking for his last clue he was in the shed looking around the tractor.  He could NOT find this last egg.  He picked up a white garbage bag several times looking under it for his last clue.  What he didn't realize was that his last clue was actually the Easter basket inside this white garbage bag that he was holding.

Another thing they enjoy doing is the egg toss.  Since Momou and Papaw have an abundance of eggs that their chickens supply - we have to have several rounds of egg toss.  When Alex picks out the eggs, though, she gets a very small one for she and Holly and gets a big fat one for Anthony and Sy. 

It's all in the wrist.  And the hips.  And the soft touch on the catch.
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Her theory with the small egg worked for a little while but then it hit the table and not even the small egg could withstand a blow like that.  

This was not a successful catch for Anthony either.  The boys started throwing them like baseballs.  I am pretty sure there should have been some bruising the next day. 

I do think Holly looks like Shawn Johnson, who is on Dancing with the Stars this season, but she may need to work some on her form.  And her partner.

Hope you had a happy Easter, too!!

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