Thursday, February 4, 2010

Softball Conditioning

Beginning in January, Alex's softball team started getting ready for this year's softball season. They are taking a strengh, agility, and quickness class two nights a week. Caleb is kicking their REARS! For one whole hour they are tortured...-I mean conditioned. I have seen them do more lunges than should be possible to do in one hours' time. On this particular night they had five stations set up. Caleb had a timer and they had to do each station for his magically allotted amount of time and then switch to the next. After completing all five stations, they did sprints, then started all over again. I get sore just watching.

They have the blocks that they jump up on one side and off the other, then back up, then back down, then back up - you get the idea.

They did chin ups. Many, many chin ups. Two of the stations involved heavy medicine balls that they were shooting basketball style at the wall.

And then there were these heavy ropes. Try slinging these up and down for Caleb's magically alloted amount of time.

They did an initial evaluation before the class started and they will do a final evaluation when it is over to see if they have improved their speed, agility, and quickness. I can already see a difference. Posted by Picasa

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