Monday, September 28, 2009

More Than One Way to Cross a Fence

The quickest way to get to the dugout is definitely not AROUND the fence. It's OVER the fence. And there are several ways to do this.

There is the full steam ahead approach like #4 and #3.

One flips to the left and the other flips to the right but both are quite skilled and quick about it.

Then, there is the more lady-like approach, the approach used by #5. One leg across and slide on over.

While #5 is trying to get that leg across #2 takes the head first approach.

#3 and #4 have stuck their landing and #2 is diving into the grass head first.

#5 finally got her leg up there and #2, I think, is stuck. Upside down.

#2 has finally managed her dismount. Not pretty, but she is across.

Finally.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Too funny- great photos and clever writing... it got me giggling for sure! :)
