On Friday morning, while Tony was working on his boat before we headed to the lake, he kept hearing a strange flapping sound. Since he was changing the fuel filter and cleaning the spark plugs, he really hoped the noise wasn't coming from his boat. A little further investigation revealed this...
A bird had built a wonderful nest in our kayak that is hanging on the wall above the boat. What a smart place to build a nest! There is temperature control, no rain, and no wind. But... she was underestimating our dog who also lives in the garage and can hear a "mouse pee on cotton" (as my dad says). How is she going to push them out of a nest to teach them to fly when there is an 80 pound lab waiting to pounce? We are going to have to guestimate when launch day is going to be and keep the dog locked away in my office until she can teach them to fly. Of course, the dog will think she is being rewarded for something being locked inside. I will keep you posted on this young family.
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