Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Building Fences

If Ant could choose a profession I think it would be building/mending fences - farm work in general. His favorite Saturday consists of working with Papaw and Uncle John. This past Saturday they were building this fence, a new boundary fence between Papaw's farm and a neighboring farm.

Papaw is teaching them how to adjust the tension on the barbed wire. The lessons and skills that Ant and Sy learn on this farm on these work days are things that can't be taught in a classroom. Or a video game. Or television.

Unfortunately there is not a lot of job openings in the fence building/mending profession so he will probably have to go to plan B but what he is learning here will be useful in whatever profession he chooses. Hard work is useful everywhere.

If Al were choosing a profession right now, it would be "picking at Sy." She MUST run faster, throw farther, hit the target first, get the last punch in, and try to beat him at everything and anything.

The red sleeved arm barely in the picture would be Al throwing a dirt clod at Sy. If only she could figure out how to get paid for this...
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1 comment:

  1. You have to love a girl that can make a boy run for his life!
