My printer that came with my computer long ago gave up the printing ghost about 2 years ago. We purchased another printer but it didn't have scanning abilities. Or copying. I guess I wasn't paying too much attention when I bought it but those were two features that I used quite often. When I ran across the picture below, I had to rethink the old printer's semi-retirement (semi since she was still plugged in to make copies). While she refuses to print from the computer she will still scan and copy. Of course, it wasn't as easy as just reconnecting her to the computer. It never is. But I was determined to make it work and finally it did. So, many minutes later, and after much persistence and determination I was able to scan in my very favorite picture I have ever taken. EVER.
There are two reasons I wanted to get this picture scanned in. The first is because it had disappeared for many years and I was so excited to find it that I couldn't take the chance of losing it again. It was taken so long ago that it is not on a computer photo file or backed up digitally. And I think this is the only copy. I would have to find the negative. Ughhh! If you could see my box of negatives you would understand. The second reason I wanted to scan it is because I love it and want to share it. After all, it is my favorite picture. EVER.
Wait for it....
Wait for it....
Oh my. It makes tears come to my eyes. Have you ever? These boys are first cousins. This was taken when they were 3, so 12 years ago. They're not inseparable, they both have their own friends as well as a lot of common friends. They don't always have the same interests though they do have a lot of common interests. They don't always stay out of trouble but they do stick together and have each other's back. They have a lot of history and they'll never run out of stories to tell their kids. They're family. But it's more than that. These boys are friends. 

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