On Wednesday, March 10, was Anthony's 15th birthday. There was nothing doing (southern term) but that he take his test on his birth day. His grandparents had gotten him a driver education book for Christmas, he had looked at it some, taken a few online tests, and felt like he was ready to take the test. I tried to prepare him that not everyone passes it the first time and if you don't it's not that big a deal and we can try again later.... I was thinking, what if we go on his birthday and he fails it and that is the memory he will have of his 15th birthday. Forever. He didn't seem to be too nervous but I was one prayin' momma when he went back there to take the test. Apparently, every time you answer a question, it tells you whether you got it right or not. Since you're only able to miss 6 out of the 30 questions, after you miss those 6, you are kicked out of the test to come back later. I think he was sweatin' it. He says he missed five of the first 10 questions, so 20 to go... When he came around the corner, he was grinning. I couldn't really read the grin. Was it an, "I can't believe I failed that test?" or "I can't believe I passed that test?" I asked him if he passed and he said, "I don't know! It said I completed the test but not whether I passed it." He apparently passed it, 'cause the next thing we know she was asking for money. She also told him that if at any time I think he is not driving responsibly I can have his license taken away. I was thinking, "You're darn right I can. I don't need the DMV to tell me I can take his license away..."
The next step was for them to get his signature. He kept asking me the whole time we were there, "Do I have to write my name in cursive?" Oh, dear. "Yes, Anthony, that is what a SIGNATURE is."
Finally, it was time for the picture. She told Anthony to come up there and sit down all the while she was talking the next person in line. She snapped his picture while he wasn't looking and she was still talking. To the other man. I don't think she was even looking. He said, "I wasn't ready!" I guess he's never heard about those driver's license photos. It was a funny picture. He tried to remake that face when we got in the car but he couldn't. He said he'll have to have his thumb over the picture when he shows it to anyone.
Now, for the biggest embarrassment of the morning. Mom had to take a picture! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only mom who took advantage of this big green sign just at the right level for a good picture. I do have some leverage now, "you can't drive if you don't let me take your picture."
We got close to the school and I pulled over to let him drive the rest of the way and he said, "No! I can't drive!" "Anthony, that is what that license is for!" He did it and loved it. Now he wants to drive us everywhere.
By the way, if you want to go to the Blount County Driver Testing Center it doesn't open til 8 on the 2nd Wednesday of the month due to staff meeting. We got there at 6:50 A.M.! Ant ended up being late to school and I was late to work. Had we gone on Thursday morning, I bet the sign on the door would have said they were closed the second Thursday of each month for staff meeting. That's just the way our luck runs!

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