As I mentioned earlier, Tony has been in Alaska. For two weeks. He is not very good at taking pictures (by good at, I'm not talking about picture quality - I am talking about pictures. Period.) He gave the camera to a friend on this trip and that's how I ended up with some pictures.
Like this one...
This picture was taken at Jim Creek. Jim Creek was about 45 minutes away from their hotel so this was the most accessible place to fish. You can see a glacier right in the middle of this picture. It almost looks like low Smoky Mountain "smoke" but it's actually the glacier.

This is another picture of Jim Creek. Can you see the houses back just a little off the river? I think they were built for me. That looks like a great place to hole up with a good book, eh? This is not what I was expecting Alaska to look like. Where are the polar bears, igloos, eskimos? It almost looks like South American terrain. I'm thinking Chile. With an East Tennessee crispness in the air.
This is the Russian River, which runs into the Kenai Peninsula and the Kenai River.
And this is the Kenai River. It was about a two hour drive from their hotel and they only went there one time. This river was best for the last of the "run of the reds." Like my fishin lingo? The Kenai River is the most popular fishing destination in Alaska.
I am always interested in the details... but, given this is coming from Tony, this is all I got. The temperature while he was there was 55 to 65 degrees and it was only dark from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. In the area where he was, they lose daylight at a rate of 6 minutes per day. And there wasn't 20 feet of snow on the ground. And there were no igloos. Or polar bears.
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