On Sunday afternoon, Anthony, Alex, Holly, Sy, and Kendra learned how to dowse. What, you might ask, is dowsing? Dowsing is a way to find underground water using "dowsing sticks." Don't ask me how this works but it does. (Sounds like a good science fair project!) They used two long metal sticks with an L-shaped bend in the end. Holding it lightly in their hands they began walking. When they got close to a water source the sticks slowly started to drift towards each other. When they crossed, they were directly over the water source.

I was a little skeptical so I had to try it myself. I thought since they knew where the water source was that they were letting the sticks cross. It really surprised me but you can feel a definite pull on the sticks when you start getting close to the water. You should try this!!
So glad you had success with dowsing! I've also tried it, but unfortunately, no luck. My historical mystery is set in Depression era Colorado and is about a widow who vows to save her brother from a murder conviction by using her talent as a dowser. It's titled CAST THE FIRST STONE and can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes and Noble.com or requested at a library. Thought you might be interested!